Tuesday, March 24, 2009


i will be returning to tampa florida on weds the 25th. i will be attending the tampa tattoo convention but will not be tattooing at it. but ill be at the crimson anchor booth with aaron is and esben rey swing by and say whats up/if you would like to get tattooed by me when im down in tampa hit me up via phone 6193374721



Sunday, March 15, 2009

another tattoo i did

i did this tattoo the other day....the guy brought is some weak ass tribal shit and he got this i wish he would have let me put the names in banners but he wanted it in the cross.....so anyway check it out


i did this tattoo a year ago. all healed up its a little dry though...anyway i didnt see the girl for a long time and i saw her lastnight so i snaged a picture

Friday, March 13, 2009


i did this tattoo on ryan from the band off with their heads when they were on tour... it was really funny bc ryan was getting a skull tattooed on him in pretty much every city they played in he had like 5 healing scabbed up tattoos on him when i tattooed the gnary jaw bone i did just the jaw bone to be differnt ryan is an awesome dood and he is in an awesome band check them out


sweet as candy

i tattooed these tonight they were fun little tattoos. i wish more people would get tattoos like these the one in the front was done with red,pink, and a sea foam green the one in the back was done with purple,pink and a really light blue im going to take better pictures when they are healed up

back from the dead kinda

well im back but in order to be back from the dead i would have to be dead and than come back.i didnt need to explain that to you......

any fucking way im sorry being a slack ass

i have new tattoo photos and some new paintings i need to post ive just been super busy tattooing all day everyday

so tomorrow i will have something for you

i swear

keep reading

Monday, March 9, 2009

i havent posted in awhile

sorry about that ive been trying to keep busy with the tattooing....my health seems to be taking a dump again and im realizing that pushing myself as hard as i do is starting to take a toll on well being so if i dont post anything for awhile dont stop reading...ill be back